On May 9, 2013, at 8:47 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Alain Sepeda <alain.sep...@gmail.com> wrote:

It is experuimental anomalies, proven far below 50sigma, with many kind of anomalies proven, correlation with real-world factors and not with possible artifact source...

The role of correlation and real-world control factors is often overlooked, even by supporters. This is critically important. Cold fusion heat with the Pd-D system is correlated with several control factors, including:

* Heat appears with D but not H.

This is not true. Heat has been measured when H is used.

* Heat only appears with high loading.

This is only true during electrolysis. Although loading is important, high loading is not required when other methods are used, presumably because a larger concentration of NAE is present.

Here is the critical thing about these control parameters: they cannot affect temperature measurements. They cannot cause an artifact that looks like excess heat.


There may be minor differences between the thermal properties of heavy water and light water, but they are not enough to explain excess heat measured with an isoperibolic calorimeter. Even if you insist could be a factor, it would be crazy to suggest the difference between heavy and light water might explain heat measured outside the cell walls with a flow or Seebeck calorimeter.

A calorimeter is not affected by the source of energy. A calorimeter simply detects and measures heat energy from any source. To think otherwise would be like claiming that the length of a pipe would be determined by its material rather than by the ruler used for the measurement.

Ed Srorms

There is no way cathode loading can affect the performance of any kind of calorimeter.

(Alain: You should use an English spell check program. I depend on one!)

- Jed

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