Joshua Cude <> wrote:

The figure plots the loading in experiments that showed excess heat. So, it
> means if you see excess heat, the loading is high. It does not show the
> converse, which is what you claim.

Ding ding ding ding ding ding!!! You win the Internets!

THAT is one of the strangest assertions I have ever read, in all the years
I have been reading strange comments from skeptics. Seriously, that takes
the cake.

First, loading increases before the heat does.

Second, how would excess heat cause high loading?

Or, third, are you saying this is coincidence, or that some third factor
causes both loading and excess heat?

Also, by the way: Be careful! You almost admitted that excess heat is real.
We can't have that. You must assert that is an artifact of the instruments,
magically caused by high loading and the presence of deuterium instead of
hydrogen, and various other control factors. Oh wait! Not control factors.
Other conditions that magically cause thermocouples outside the cell or
Seebeck calorimeters to register non-existent heat.

- Jed

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