OK Robin,  I was making an attempt to consider the nucleus of an atom as a 
group of protons with the associated neutrons that allow for the absorption and 
emission of gammas.  Perhaps I should have left the entangled part out of the 

So, my ultimate desire is to understand exactly how excess energy is stored 
within a nucleus.   A single proton does not have the ability to perform that 
function under normal conditions.   When fusion occurs, gammas are emitted by 
some mechanism from the nuclear energy storage process.  Classical ideas would 
suggest that the energy might be stored in a process somewhat like that of a 
pair of balls connected by a spring which in this case would simulate the 
strong force.

Energy could also be stored in a rotational motion.  Either of these techniques 
should allow storage for a finite time before the emission of that excess 
energy.  Also, it is not obvious how this energy should be quantized at such a 
high level.

I ask these somewhat silly sounding questions because it frequently occurs that 
a proposed reaction is questioned because of a concern for the conservation of 
energy and momentum during the fusion process.  I seek a way to buy time during 
the event which might be used to slowly absorb the high level of energy that is 
ultimately released by fusion.

For instance, a two body collision can always be shown to conserve momentum and 
energy as long as no energy is released during the collision and they remain 
attached.  Then, the trick is to figure out how to extract that excess energy 
without significantly upsetting the center of mass of the initial pair.  If the 
energy can be taken over a long enough period of time, then interesting things 

Another question is why can't a proton have additional mass that exists in the 
form of kinetic energy of its constituent quarks?  I guess this is equivalent 
of asking whether or not a proton can have a temperature. :-) 


-----Original Message-----
From: mixent <mix...@bigpond.com>
To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Fri, May 24, 2013 10:39 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Protons and Gammas

In reply to  David Roberson's message of Fri, 24 May 2013 15:04:44 -0400 (EDT):
>Earlier I was curious about electrons and how they might interact with 
The final conclusion was that they can not originate photons without outside 
help and that they cannot totally absorb them.  The Compton effect allows them 
to interact, but there must always be a photon leaving the site.
>I suspect that the same applies to a bare proton and an incoming gamma.  Does 
anyone know of a condition where this is not true?
>Can a system consisting of entangled protons absorb gammas?  The answer should 
be yes.

There is no such thing as entanglement in the sense that it is commonly applied.
I.e. there is nothing connecting "entangled" particles, and no information is
passed between them, let alone "instantaneously". Hence the answer to your
question is "no". However protons in a force field (and effectively all of them
are) should be able to, provided that said field allows for exchange of
momentum/angular momentum with whatever is on the other end of the field lines.
(Entangled particle pairs have perfect correlation "at birth").

Robin van Spaandonk



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