On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 5:18 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint <zeropo...@charter.net>wrote:

> So Josh,****
> Why do you **ignore** the FACT that Ekstrom and others are using the
> emissivity of stainless when that is irrelevant???****
> Why not the same critical comments from you about those so-called
> ‘experts’ who make such an obvious mistake???****
> **

Well, I wasn't replying to them, or defending them. They did make some
simple mistakes.

Why do I not criticize them? If they were claiming to revolutionize
science, and made mistakes like that in the claims, I might just. But
they're not. They're writing blogs in response to such claims. Some
hastiness is to be forgiven in that context. In the context of Levi's
claims, I would expect greater care.

> **
> RE: unknown emissivity of the paint in the December test…****
> Yes, as they have explained, they analyzed the December test, realized
> some weaknesses, took measures in the March test to eliminate/calibrate for
> those weaknesses, and will be improving their instrumentation and
> procedures for the next test. ****
> ** **
RIght, but why even bother reporting the December test in that case? And
while they improved the emissivity question, they made the question of
input murkier.

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