On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 4:33 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint <zeropo...@charter.net>wrote:

> Jed:****
> More importantly, why is he using the emissivity of stainless steel, when
> the outer cylinder is painted ceramic, NOT stainless steel!!!

Since it's painted, it doesn't make any difference what was painted.

> ** **
> Yes, all metals have low emissivity, but that is irrelevant when a metal
> is NOT what is ‘emissiviting’ (to coin a word)! J  ****
> Ceramics have a much higher emissivity.****
> **

But we have no idea what the emissivity of the paint used in the December
test was, nor whether it was wavelength dependent.  There may be a paint
for which an assumption of emissivity of 1 greatly overestimates the power.
A few measurements could have excluded this possibility.

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