From: Joshua Cude 


Most skeptics are convinced that if he really had what he claims, there
would not be niggling discussions. 


Then they have not considered the obvious. Unless there is fraud at the
felony level, then Rossi has probably discovered something valid, and
incredibly important to Society - but it is not ready for commercialization.


Importantly, he does NOT understand it, and realizes that Focardi's nickel
transmutation explanation was wrong. Now, he is trying to attract the kind
of high level support and scientific insight which allows him to both keep
control and eventually understand what is going on. He cannot do this in a


It would be secret until such time as to spring it on the world, and then
there would be a stampede. 


That assumes that Rossi is capable of understanding the device without help,
but he is not capable. 


Because of the competitive situation - with BLP holding most of the IP on
this kind of reaction, the commercial product will end up being litigated in
Court - and Rossi must have his hat in the ring now, in order to announce to
the World that he intends to compete for the prized against better funded
competition, especially Mills.


Two and a half years of this kind of bickering (not to mention 24 years of
it with respect to cold fusion) is the stuff of scams. 


Consider the Higgs boson "scam". I do not believe it is a scam, but I am on
the same footing as you are with Rossi in proclaiming that it could be a
scam and an organized conspiracy.


The Higgs boson was initially theorized in 1964, and this scam has been
running for almost 50 years. 


The hot fusion scam epitomized by ITER has been going even longer. Billions
have been wasted. The recent tentative confirmation of Higgs could have been
scammed by a programmer inserting a few lines of code to push a conclusion
in a certain way.


Bringing scientists in who accept Levi's choice of instruments, and the
3-phase building power, and do the experiments in private, and then submit
to the world nothing but a document that no one else can check is simply not
good enough. And never will be.


OKAY - It is not good enough for everyone. Neither is the evidence proof for
Higgs or the likelihood of success with ITER. 


However, Rossi may present as good or better case for billion dollar funding
than does LHC or ITER in terms of potential benefit to society.


His results are already better than ITER on one millionth of the budget.
That boondoggle will not even have first plasma until 2020.





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