On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 12:00 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

>  ** **
> ** **
> Then they have not considered the obvious. Unless there is fraud at the
> felony level, then Rossi has probably discovered something valid, and
> incredibly important to Society - but it is not ready for
> commercialization. ****
> **

Fraud or not, I think it highly unlikely that a real COP of 3 or 6 could
not be proven conclusively if he wanted to. And it would not involve a
secret experiment and the trust of a few good men. A clear unambiguous
public demo would be easy to stage. Or, he could have an open invitation
for any qualified personnel to test the device.

** **
> Consider the Higgs boson “scam”. I do not believe it is a scam, but I am
> on the same footing as you are with Rossi in proclaiming that it could be a
> scam and an organized conspiracy.****
> ** **
> The Higgs boson was initially theorized in 1964, and this scam has been
> running for almost 50 years. ****
> **

There is nothing secret about that research. The data is available to any
who are interested. The people involved number in the hundreds or even
thousands and those involved are continually changing. There is no
resemblance to someone with a controversial past with respect to energy,
claiming a secret recipe that no one can see, and a secret box that only a
few hand-picked people can test.

Furthermore, the fact that it was predicted means it's not an extraordinary
claim at all. Everyone expected it. It fit a consistent picture based on a
century of robust experimental science. The 50 years was spent developing
tools to study it, not quarreling about whether someone has already found

Sorry, I see no parallel whatsoever.

> **
> The hot fusion scam epitomized by ITER has been going even longer.
> Billions have been wasted.

Be that as it may, the controversy has not been about the physics, which is
accepted by all, including hot fusion skeptics. And like the higgs boson,
the research is open and available to all.

> Bringing scientists in who accept Levi's choice of instruments, and the
> 3-phase building power, and do the experiments in private, and then submit
> to the world nothing but a document that no one else can check is simply
> not good enough. And never will be.****
> ** **
> OKAY - It is not good enough for everyone. Neither is the evidence proof
> for Higgs or the likelihood of success with ITER. ****
> **

The proof of Higgs is not absolute, but the agreement of the level of proof
is pretty universal among experts. The question of the ITER is a gamble,
and it's far from settled. But I submit the Rossi evidence is only good
enough for people already true believers in cold fusion. A few skeptics
have weighed in. I'd be surprised if the current evidence has any evidence
on an almost unanimously skeptical scientific community with respect to
cold fusion.

> However, Rossi may present as good or better case for billion dollar
> funding than does LHC or ITER in terms of potential benefit to society.***
> *
> ** **
> His results are already better than ITER on one millionth of the budget.
> That boondoggle will not even have first plasma until 2020.****
> ** **
His results, if you believe them, are lower in power and energy than the
record levels for hot fusion, which are not disputed by anyone.

Cold fusion has not yet proved the principle after 24 years. That puts it
far behind hot fusion, regardless of how disappointing it may be.

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