Vorl Bek <vorl....@antichef.com> wrote:

> A lot of intelligent people at wavewatching.... and elsewhere,
> don't seem to be impressed with the experimental evidence.

None of these people has published a paper describing technical objections
to any experiment. They have no rational reason to doubt the results. The
reasons they give are based on politics, emotions, and nonsensical
misinterpretations of the literature. Most of them have either not read
anything, or they incapable of understanding what they read. So their
opinions count for nothing.

> Since nothing much has been accomplished since 1989, my guess is they are
> right to be unimpressed.

Your guess is wrong. A great deal has been accomplished since 1989. The
people who are unimpressed share your mistaken belief that nothing much has
been accomplished.

> It is going take several successful tests by different groups of
> people before I stop thinking Rossi is probably a crook or
> is deluded.

There have already been several successful tests by different groups. You
have no evidence for thinking he is a crook or deluded. There is no way he
or Levi could cash on on a fake experiment, so you have no reason to think
he is crooked. The others all agree the effect is real, so they would all
have to be deluded. That is unlikely.

- Jed

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