There is one very very simple truth.

Many will never believe right up until a technology is widely available.

No demonstration could convince them, maybe not even if they ran it

And some won't believe even then, there are deniers and skeptics for
everything, moon landings, holocaust, global warming.
Does anyone doubt that we could be under water and still some would deny
global warming.
And skeptics are actually just believers in a certain concept of reality.

Hence we can compare this with other beliefs such as shape shifting
reptilian royals/politicians, Scientology, and religion etc.

People will kill and die to defend their pathetic little beliefs in what is
and isn't real.

And skeptics are no more open to being wrong than the most fundamentalist
true believer of anything else is.

The only problem is that with people of a supposedly logical bent we assume
their beliefs are malleable with reason and evidence, but that is true for
so few, even few in what is meant to be a nest of believers in such
extraordinary science.
Since logic can be bent by intelligence to be used against truth. Real
smart! (a statement that is true both sarcastically and literally).


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