Let me quote the specific text from Cude that I discussed:

"You're just repeating your arguments and ignoring the responses I've
already given to them. Obviously I have no proof. How could I? True
believers insist on an explanation of how deception might explain the
alleged observations, but do not hold themselves to the same standard to
give an explanation for how nuclear reactions could be initiated in those
circumstances, or how they could produce that much heat without radiation,
or how NiH could produce 100 times the power density of nuclear fuel
without melting, regardless of what produces the energy. That doesn't stop
you from believing it happens though."

Let's go over this one more time:

"True believers insist on an explanation of how deception might explain the
alleged observations . . ."

Yes, because any method of deception MUST fit in with textbook physics and
a SPICE simulation. If you cannot simulate it, it is not "deception." It is
a genuine inexplicable anomaly.

Also, you have to define this method in a way that can be falsified, just
as McKubre has to define his calorimetry.

". . . .but do not hold themselves to the same standard to give an
explanation for how nuclear reactions could be initiated in those
circumstances, or how they could produce that much heat without radiation .
. ."

YES, again, because these are genuine anomalies. That has been proved by
replicated, high-sigma experiments. Such anomalies are essential to
progress in science. Without them, there would be no new discoveries.

You do not need to show *WHY* there is heat without radiation, you only
have to show *THAT* there is 10,000 times more heat than any chemical
reaction can produce, no chemical changes, and commensurate helium. McKubre
has done that. His job is finished. He is an experimentalist. The
theoreticians must now take over and explain his results. They are never
allowed to dismiss them.

Cude has made a huge mistake here. He does not understand the scientific
method. This is vitally important, and fundamental.

- Jed

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