On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 3:36 AM, Joshua Cude <joshua.c...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  It should be as demonstrable as the Wright's 1908 flight, which converted
> all serious skeptics long before commercial flight. There are plenty of
> anomalies that were accepted instantly because the evidence was strong.
> Your statement has no justification in history.
***History isn't exactly on your side of this argument when you include
the Wright brothers.  They first flew in 1903, first demonstrated publicly
in 1908 because there was no one willing to buy airplanes from them until
that time.  Does this mean they were anti-science frauds for those 5
years?  Commercial flight was invented the moment they first flew, but the
first commercial flight transaction of the Wright brothers selling an
airplane didn't happen for 5 years.  Very few "serious skeptics" were
converted during this period, because of the lack of IP protection and
because the "customers" weren't serious about buying it.  Every single
person who asked for a demo (and there were many) refused to buy airplanes
if the Wrights demonstrated it, for 5 years.  Finally, the military opened
a contract and they flew to that contract.  Were they frauds?   Skeptopaths
at the time certainly called them that, just like skeptopaths at this time
call Rossi a fraud even after an independent test of his device.

So, this particular, independent test which takes a black box approach in
order to preserve the industrial trade secret is an intermediate step.
Would the Wright brothers have demonstrated their technology if there was
no intellectual property protection available to them?  As it turned out,
Glenn Curtiss & others tried to steal the Wright patents anyways.


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