These are good questions.

The fine structure constant has been found to be quite inconstant at higher
than normal energies.

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 8:06 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint <>wrote:

> Roger, ****
> welcome…****
> You might do a google search using ‘attosecond physics’…****
> ** **
> and take a gander at this article:
> “Cool electron acceleration”****
> ** **
> And are you off base???****
> Not enough info…****
> Place a dime on the bar and take your turn on the box…****
> ;-)****
> ** **
> -Mark Iverson****
> ** **
> *From:* Roger B []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 04, 2013 5:27 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Vo]:I confess****
> ** **
> I confess to being an ignoramus.  I confess to having only a B.A. in
> psychology, a B.A. in philosophy, and an A.S. in electronics technology.  I
> am, however, a philosophical savant.
> I have a question that I have asked several times but have never gotten an
> answer.  By what means do conventional physicist probe and understand the
> innards of the atom?  What is the minimum speed of the particles that they
> shoot into the atom to see what is there?  Do they ever use some version of
> light to understand the innards of the atom?
> If, as I suppose, and I could be wrong, all of the particles "shot" into
> the atom are traveling close to the speed of light, then could not there be
> some unknown characteristic at this speed, perhaps as yet unknown to us,
> that causes things inside the atom to behave differently than from how they
> would behave if the probing particle were going much slower.  For example,
> what if the almost light speed particle had a bow wave in front of it as it
> flew through the aether?  If every single particle that was used to probe
> the inside of the atom were traveling at .99 the speed of light, then this
> "distortion" would be the same in every experiment, and one aspect of this
> limited view inside the atom we might call the "Coulomb Barrier".
> Is this all possible?  Or am I off base?
> Roger Bird
> Colorado****

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