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Fano resonance between nano-particles produce whispering gallery waves
between nano-particles. This was discovered only three years ago. The
Nanoplasmonic research community has not optimized the formation of Fano
resonance to any degree yet. They have only gotten it up to 10^^15
amplification. What limits them is as follows:

These experimenters only use gold or silver because these metals are
relatively safe if ingested.

Nickel is far more reactive, powerful, and dangerous with regards to the
formation of electron dipole strength.

Micro-particles are not used yet because they are counterproductive to the
goals and products they want to produce such as nano-computers and optical

Furthermore, the Nanoplasmonic experimenters never use hydrogen as the
dielectric, they use ordinary air.

They use lasers to stimulate dipole movement. Because the laser light is a
plain wave, it does poorly in producing vigorous dipole movement that are
required to produce whispering gallery waves..

The micro-particle is a wonderful storehouse for dipole vibrations.

Very small nano-particles use Fano resonance to amplify this dipole energy
(powerful source of alternating current) to a huge degree.

This micro/nano particle configuration produces a nano-sized tesla-coil.

Think of the resonant windings of a tesla coil,  were the main winding
resonantly drives the few windings

A Tesla coil's windings are "loosely" coupled, with a large air gap, and
thus the primary and secondary typically share only 10–20% of their
respective magnetic fields. Instead of a tight coupling, the coil transfers
energy (via loose coupling) from one oscillating resonant circuit (the
primary) to the other (the secondary) over a number of RF cycles.

As the primary energy transfers to the secondary, the secondary's output
voltage increases until all of the available primary energy has been
transferred to the secondary. A well designed Tesla coil can concentrate
the energy initially stored in the primary capacitor (the micro particle)
to the secondary circuit (the nano-particle). The voltage achievable from a
Tesla coil can be significantly greater than a conventional transformer,
because the secondary winding is a long single layer solenoid widely
separated from the surroundings and therefore well insulated. Also, the
voltage per turn in any coil is higher because the rate of change of
magnetic flux is at high frequencies.

The dipole operates an infrared frequency. This is very high.

With the loose coupling the voltage gain is instead proportional to the
square root of the ratio of secondary and primary inductances. Because the
secondary winding is wound to be resonant at the same frequency as the
primary, this voltage gain is also proportional to the square root of the
ratio of the primary capacitor to the stray capacitance of the secondary.

The micro-particle nano-particle resonance packs the entire energy content
stored on the surface of the micro-particle into the atomic level volume
between one nanometer sized particles.

This produces nano-ball lightning between nano-particles.

On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 12:09 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> *How to build a nano-cavity*
> Organized Plasmonic Clusters with High Coordination Number and
> Extraordinary Enhancement in Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)
> To illustrate a pivotal principle from Nano-engineering that bears upon
> LENR, in experimental results from that field involving Nanoplasmonics, the
> electromagnetic field strength in the spaces between nanoparticles is
> exponentially strengthened based on the number of nanoparticles in contact
> with each other.   Remember, strengthening the density of the electron
> gas is a prime LENR design goal. Electromagnetic field strength
> amplification is what we really want to do.       See Figure A - Optical
> enhancement of nanoparticle clusters with coordination numbers (points of
> near contact or nano-gaps) from 1 to 7.   Comparison between the
> enhancement factors obtained for each sample, normalized to the enhancement
> produced by a single particle excited with a 633 nm laser line.   See
>  Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) spectra of benzenethiol on the
> pentagonal bipyramid (CN 7).   The enhancement factor of the
> electromagnetic fields in the nano-gaps is proportional to the capacitance
> that the particle can impose on the dielectric material in the gap.   Simply
> put, the number of electrons that can be packed into the dielectric medium
> filling the gap is directly proportional to the amount of charge difference
> that the particles can bring to bear in the immediate neighborhood of the
> nano-cavity.   The micro-particle has a far greater capacitive potential
> than a single nano-particle or even a large cluster of nano-particles
> because its bulk is orders of magnitude bigger than those particles that
> are sized on the nanoscale. But critically, there needs to be a way to
> increase both the effective surface area of the micro-particle and the
> coordination number (nano-gaps) when two micro-particles grow close
> together.   This is cleverly engineered by covering the micro-particles
> with nanowires like the spines that cover the surface skin of a sea urchin.
>    The nanowires draw close and touch as the micro-particles draw
> together but the charge on the surface of the micro-particle largely
> remains in place because current does not readily flow access these
> filamentary points of contact. The nanowires provide a gage or better
> described as a spacing mechanism so that the micro-particles maintain the
> optimum nano-metric capacitive distance between their respective
> micro-particle surfaces.
> On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 11:54 AM, Edmund Storms <>wrote:
>> I'm glad to see a paper by Mizuno. But this paper raises an interesting
>> question, Are nanoparticles the NAE?
>>  I personally believe nanoparticles alone are inert. However, particles
>> of a critical size are the HOST for the NAE. In other words, the nano-gap I
>> propose to be the NAE grows in a particle and the particle size determines
>> the size of the gap.  After all, CF has been found to occur under a variety
>> of conditions, including in complete absence of nanoparticles. However,
>> nano-gaps can form in any material, but not frequently with the correct
>> dimension.
>> The power being generated is determined by the number NAE present. The
>> better the material is able to create nano-gaps, the more power will be
>> produced. Use of small particles improves this ability.  Consequently, I'm
>> suggesting that people should not focus on the particle itself but on what
>> is happening within the particle.  Unless the NAE is produced within the
>> particle, the particle is inert no matter what  size it has.
>> Ed
>> On Jul 8, 2013, at 8:49 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>> Edmund Storms <> wrote:
>> Eric, ion bombardment has a rich literature containing 90 references in
>>> my library. You need to read this before speculation is useful. Ion
>>> bombardment can produce either hot fusion and/or cold fusion, depending on
>>> the conditions and applied energy. Low energy favors cold fusion if the NAE
>>> is present and high energy favors hot fusion without a NAE.
>> At ICCF18 I will be presenting a poster session paper by Mizuno showing
>> that ion bombardment iteself can create the NAE. It produces nanoparticles
>> on wires subjected to glow discharge for about 3 days. He has SEM photos
>> and excess heat results showing this.
>> Mizuno himself cannot attend.
>> - Jed

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