The Genie sounds like LENR after it's been accepted:

   1. Our experiments are repeatable.
   2. Our experiments have been replicated by others.
   3. Our experiments provide direct evidence that nuclear reactions are
   involved including the production of high-energy neutrons. Although our
   experimental results are not predicted by current nuclear physics theories,
   *the results are real*.

On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

>  ** **
> Curious detail in all of this Navy-gravy is worth a quick mention … since
> we are all concerned about getting LENR to market quickly… ****
> ** **
> Who would have expected that Guam, of all places, would be benefiting from
> this breakthrough power source? Well … Navy Base Quam and an associated
> airfield are strategic locations for USN - and it is doubtful that there
> are adequate coconut hulls to supply all the energy needs: ****
> ** **
> ** **
> Kinda reminds vorticians of those contracts for grid power that BLP signed
> with various New Mexico Utility providers four years ago … for Mills’
> breakthrough power source… should I say: previous breakthrough power
> source? (the one following the Capstone breakthrough and preceding CIHT
> breakthrough, cough, cough)****
> ** **
> Wonder how BLP is progressing with those highly publicized contracts, and
> how much lower the electric rates are in NM these days? After all, did not
> Randy say he could make electricity for one cent per kWhr?****
> ** **
> Well geeze … the guy is still a veritable genius in my book, but he is
> more untrustworthy with his predictions than Rossi … or all the Hot Fusion
> advocates … oops … no, sorry… no one on this planet is more untrustworthy
> with predictions than the Hot Fusion establishment .****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Jones Beene ****
> ** **
> Curious, that the Navy cites Mitchell Swartz’s applications (and Arata) as
> prior art – all of which have NOT been granted, and the Navy does NOT
> mention the one which they flagrantly copy. We need a massive overhaul of
> USPTO due to extreme incompetence.****
> ** **
> US Navy or not … this patent seems to be “borrowing” the prior art of the
> Cincinnati group: “Pressurized electro-hydraulic processing” – It is a bit
> irksome that the military gets a free ride from USPTO in many cases such as
> this. The Cincinnati process remediated (transmuted) thorium in an
> electrochemical process but they gave up trying to fight the patent office.
> ****
> US 20030201167 A1****
> ** **
> It is no wonder that Mitchell is bitter over his treatment by USPTO --
> when several recent WPO patents have been granted which clearly mention
> LENR and would have been invalidated, had Mitchell’s prior applications
> been granted, as they should have been.****
> ** **
> Jones****
> ** **
> *From:* Axil ****
> ** **
> ****
>  ****
> This U.S. Navy patent transmutes radioactive elements into less harmful
> elements through a benign low energy nuclear reaction process. The patent
> was granted April 16, 2013 for a device and method that shortens the
> half-life of radioactive materials by increasing their rate of emissions.*
> ***
>  ****
> “Method and Apparatus for Generating Particles,” the content of which is
> fully incorporated by reference herein.****
>  ****
>  ****
> The embodiments of the invention relate generally to the field of
> electrochemistry.****
>  ****
> Generated particles may be captured by other nuclei to create new
> elements, to remediate nuclear waste, to treat cancerous tumors, or to
> create strategic materials.****
>  ****

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