Re the US 20030201167 A1 patent of the Cincinnati Group:

I have met Gleeson and Holloman at Asti -7, we became friends
and Don has donated a Cincy Cell to me for testing, does it transmute elements
or not. The cell was filled with a dilute solution
of a thorium salt and HCl and after the forced high pressure electrolysis
(temperature, pressure and voltage are all increasing
to high limits) the solution is completely salt-free and not radioactive.
However a white precipitate is formed (the two electrodes are
corroded/eroded) and the radioactivity is transferred
in this precipitate. What happens is based on spark erosion,
small molten droplets of zirconium are capturing the salt.
The global radioactivity measured for the cells, before and after
electro;ysis remains unchanged

Both inventors- who have later worked with Americium, have died
due to leukemia. It was a tragedy- however no transmutation takes place,
sorry for that.

On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 5:53 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

>  Curious, that the Navy cites Mitchell Swartz’s applications (and Arata)
> as prior art – all of which have NOT been granted, and the Navy does NOT
> mention the one which they flagrantly copy. We need a massive overhaul of
> USPTO due to extreme incompetence.****
> ** **
> US Navy or not … this patent seems to be “borrowing” the prior art of the
> Cincinnati group: “Pressurized electro-hydraulic processing” – It is a bit
> irksome that the military gets a free ride from USPTO in many cases such as
> this. The Cincinnati process remediated (transmuted) thorium in an
> electrochemical process but they gave up trying to fight the patent office.
> ****
> US 20030201167 A1****
> ** **
> It is no wonder that Mitchell is bitter over his treatment by USPTO --
> when several recent WPO patents have been granted which clearly mention
> LENR and would have been invalidated, had Mitchell’s prior applications
> been granted, as they should have been.****
> ** **
> Jones****
> ** **
> *From:* Axil Axil ****
> ** **
> ****
>  ****
> This U.S. Navy patent transmutes radioactive elements into less harmful
> elements through a benign low energy nuclear reaction process. The patent
> was granted April 16, 2013 for a device and method that shortens the
> half-life of radioactive materials by increasing their rate of emissions.*
> ***
>  ****
> “Method and Apparatus for Generating Particles,” the content of which is
> fully incorporated by reference herein.****
>  ****
>  ****
> The embodiments of the invention relate generally to the field of
> electrochemistry.****
>  ****
> Generated particles may be captured by other nuclei to create new
> elements, to remediate nuclear waste, to treat cancerous tumors, or to
> create strategic materials.****
>  ****

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

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