From: Peter Gluck 
                Dear Jones
                How is connected GENIE with the Cincy Cell- in your opinion?

The connection is that both use electrochemistry (and LENR techniques) to
create nuclear reactions which secondarily transmute heavy metals. Here is
an old IE article on the CGC

But the dissimilarity outweighs the similarity, and there is no claim of
excess heat in the CGC, whereas the GEC is based upon the prospect of having
large excess heat, apparently as a replacement for a fission reactor - what
Khim is calling "Generation 5". 

However, the GEC reactor goes well beyond the Boss, Forsley et al patent --
which is simply a "System and method for generating particles" and that is
where the injustice of selective USPTO patent-granting may lie. Not to
mention the cleverness of Dr Khim.

How did they get coverage for LENR techniques in this application - when all
the many others in prior art did not? Does this relate to having the USN as
the co-assignee? 

Yup, there is no doubt about that detail. Our patent office has been a
massive failure to the general public in this regard. Europe allows patents
for LENR, and even has a separate classification for them - so why not the
USA? This puts our small inventors at massive disadvantage. What a bunch of
incompetent and spineless "yes-men" we have in USPTO - and one can only
suspect that this goes back to political pressure from the physics
establishment and their cronies in congress.

BTW, both the CC and GEC produce transmutation in heavy metals which may
look like fission, but the GEC is reputed to produce actual fast neutrons
for fast fission and excess heat. That would b a huge difference, if true
and very valuable indeed. I can find no data indicating that fast fusion has
been proved, however - does anyone have a citation for this detail (actual
proof of fast fission) ? 

Probably not ... especially since such data would most likely trigger the 37
C.F.R. 5.2  Secrecy Order.

Fast fission is not easy to prove since U235 will fission with thermal or
fast neutrons, and one would need to show that the reaction in question was
not thermal, if they want it to be novel. Of course this would be ideal for
the nuclear submarine, so we have to ask - why has this not been applied to
small reactors which are used in submarines and does that relate to Khim's
strategy of not patenting the reactor itself? 

Very clever, Dr. Khim. It is almost as if this disclosure was part of a
two-part strategy to avoid Navy oversight (being potentially valuable to
some of our enemies for such things as nuclear powered submarines) ... and
since they did let it through (without a secrecy order) Khim may have
succeeded twice with this strategy - but whose side is he on, really? 

Is this starting to sound vaguely like an old James Bond plot? Please don't
say: "No, Dr."

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