>From Brad:


> And the world of art is not safe..  Similar to 3D printing

> in many ways:

> http://www.gizmag.com/edavid-robot-artist-painter/28310/


Thanks for the article. Enjoyed reading it.


As an Astronomical & Science Fiction artist myself, I understand the
ramifications of what digital art and digital painting is doing just to the
science fiction & fantasy world alone. I used to be a traditional artist who
painted with acrylics & oils on canvas and illustration board. One of my
degrees is in art. I made the transition to the digital world back in the
mid 1990s, way before most of my artist colleagues within the science
fiction community comprehended the ramifications.


These days the SF&F art shows are dominated by digital art. Meanwhile, art
show committees are still trying to deal with how to classify digital art.
Art shows want "original" works of art, but nobody can afford to purchase
original works, nor can artists spend the time painting them the traditional
way. Because most artists are creating digital works the concept of what
constitutes "originality" is being thrown away into the trash can... or
black hole if you own a Mac! ;-)


I just wrote a letter to one art show committee I want to attend down in
Chicago this November asking for a clarification on how to categorize
digital art work. I have not heard back from them yet, nor do I expect to
either. They still don't know how to classify the medium... Are they
originals or prints/reproductions.


Personally, I don't think artists will be put out of business. Customers
will still value "originality". I suspect most customers will continue to
value unique quirks and "flaws" that come from works that had been created
from the hand of humans. They will place value on such quirks because
automation will tend to delete them out of the picture. It doesn't matter
what medium is used. The digital medium is not the issue, though most art
show committees and customers have not gotten that yet.


I have much, MUCH more I can say on the subject, But I'm already way



Steven Vincent Johnson




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