thanks for your kind words in the talk.
I like it.   
And yes materials are very important.
23% Ag, 2% Ce (or 2% Y) always gave me the best overall performance.
But you do have to treat it nice. 
Using a model builders sand blaster with cerium oxide was a quick easy way to 
clean up the metal.
for those that like check diffusion rates of alloyed Pd
The Y or Ce in it seemed to work its charm at higher temps for those working 
with pressurized electrochem cells.,d.cGE
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 17:09:37 -0400
Subject: [Vo]:My ICCF18 presentation

Here is the script for my ICCF18 Luncheon Talk. This was well received. It has 
cute illustrations.

I have to write an oh-so-serious version for the Proceedings, in academese. 
This one is more fun.
I am also trying to squeeze Mizuno's paper down to the 6-page limit of the 
Proceedings. That is difficult.

- Jed

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