Official output quotas in place since 2007 are readily exceeded by 40% –
50% each 
Whileprices have been moderating
the record levels of Q3 2011, in 2012 prices for many rare earths are close
to collapsing.

Abundant, less valuable REEs such as lanthanum have experienced the
sharpest reversals.

Lanthanum oxide – used in ceramics and fuel catalysts – for example rose
from a price of just $8.71/kg in 2008 to $117/kg in the third quarter last.
At the start of 2012 it had pulled back to $66/kg.

Now it has halved again – on Monday a kilogram of lanthanum could be picked
up for $26. That's a 77% collapse in less than nine months. And consider
that inside China that same kilogram costs half $13.15.

When export prices of lanthanum were at record highs of $117/kg domestic
Chinese prices were less than $20. That differential has gone from almost
10 times to less than double.

If the LaNi5 E-Cat theory were true, one would expect there to be
hoardingof the metal by E-Cat insiders since it will be limiting on world
energy supply and those holding physical La would profit enormously once
the dependency is announced.  The exceptional drop in La prices in
precisely the time period one would expect the purchases to be going on
indicates that this hoarding is not taking place.

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 6:09 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

>  ** **
> *From:* Edmund Storms ****
> ** **
> Bob, the entire particle of Ni is not loaded, which is impossible. Only
> the treated surface is loaded where the cracks are formed. The surface is
> not pure not Ni and the crystal structure shows.****
> ** **
> This is exactly why a special nickel alloy, and not pure nickel, could be
> used by Rossi: one that sucks up hydrogen like a sponge - to wit: LaNi5.
> This is an amazing alloy which we have mentioned before.****
> ** **
> LaNi5 is well-studied for hydrogen storage, used by NASA for years - loads
> in seconds to 100% (1:1 Ratio) resulting in greater hydrogen density than
> liquid hydrogen, and there is evidence Rossi knows of it (La lines in the
> spectroscopy of the original patent filing, which are now removed).****
> ** **
> This old paper is worth a read.****
> ** **
> 100% of lanthanum is high spin with NMR properties - which would fit in
> with the anomalous magnetism speculation.****
> ** **
> LaNi5 employs chemisorption - and actually absorbs atomic hydrogen into
> the metal structure. The heat of adsorption is calculated to be 30.3 kJ/mol
> which is higher than expected and could relate to LENR. ****
> ** **
> Jones****
> ** **

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