From: James Bowery 

If the LaNi5 E-Cat theory were true, one would expect there to be hoardingof
the metal by E-Cat insiders since it will be limiting on world energy supply
and those holding physical La would profit enormously once the dependency is

Well LaNi5 is short of being a working theory - just a possibility based on
its wide use as a hydrogen carrier, and since the Hot Cat requires stored
H2, but the NMR property of La adds to the likelihood. Since lanthanum is
not rare and seems to be in oversupply profiting on a spike in demand seems
too risky. More importantly - are there any "insiders" in LENR with enough
money to speculate? 

The main problem with that scenario is that insiders we know about,
including Ampenergo are not particularly well-heeled. Certainly not enough
to try corner any metals market. You may remember the disaster of the Hunt
Brothers trying to corner silver. The silver market is measured in ounces
while rare earths are sold in tonnage, so it appears that the task would be

Rossi sold his biodiesel business well over a year ago, and yes - back then
he would have had a few million to spare - but for all we know, he could
have invested it in lanthanum futures (fully margined) at $66 thinking they
would at least go back above $117 but instead they went the other way. That
could explain a lot, including why he was forced to give up control of the
US operations. 


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