Doing the arithmetic, Lanthanum isn't that limiting.  Current world
Lanthanum reserves are around 6 million tonnes.  Let's say you can get
1kW/cm^3 out of LaNi5 at a density of 8.2g/cm^3 and La mass fraction of 31%

([{0.31 * (8.2 * gramm)} / {(centi*meter)^3}]^-1 * [{1 * (kilo*watt)} /
{(centi*meter)^3}]) * (6 * [mega*ton_metric]) ? watt
= 2.3603462E15 W

World energy consumption in
2008<>was 143.851
PWh which, in watts is:

143.851 PWh/year?W
(143.851 * [peta*Wh]) / year ? watt
= 1.6421347E13 W

So the world energy consumption could grow a factor of 100 on current
Lanthanum reserves.

There could be a price rise, but its just not the killer investment I
speculated it might be based merely on the "rare" earth title enjoyed by

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 9:38 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

>  ** **
> *From:* James Bowery ****
> If the LaNi5 E-Cat theory were true, one would expect there to be
> hoardingof the metal by E-Cat insiders since it will be limiting on world
> energy supply and those holding physical La would profit enormously once
> the dependency is announced.  ****
> Well LaNi5 is short of being a working theory – just a possibility based
> on its wide use as a hydrogen carrier, and since the Hot Cat requires
> stored H2, but the NMR property of La adds to the likelihood. Since
> lanthanum is not rare and seems to be in oversupply profiting on a spike in
> demand seems too risky. More importantly - are there any “insiders” in LENR
> with enough money to speculate? ****
> The main problem with that scenario is that insiders we know about,
> including Ampenergo are not particularly well-heeled. Certainly not enough
> to try corner any metals market. You may remember the disaster of the Hunt
> Brothers trying to corner silver. The silver market is measured in ounces
> while rare earths are sold in tonnage, so it appears that the task would be
> harder. ****
> Rossi sold his biodiesel business well over a year ago, and yes – back
> then he would have had a few million to spare – but for all we know, he
> could have invested it in lanthanum futures (fully margined) at $66
> thinking they would at least go back above $117 but instead they went the
> other way. That could explain a lot, including why he was forced to give up
> control of the US operations. ****
> ** **

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