Axil Axil <> wrote:

Jed’s concept of the LENR product line evolution is sadly limited to energy
> products.

That is nonsense. My book describes far more than that, including

> With the money that LENR based firms make from energy production and
> products, they will reinvest in the transmutation technology where cheap
> material like waste, junk, silicon, carbon, and oxygen are transmuted into
> rare earths, copper and nickel.

And they will make money from that technology as well. The cost of that R&D
will also soon be recovered. What is your point?

> To achieve that level of control of the processes that are going on inside
> the nucleus requires a huge amount of science and engineering R&D.

Yes, as I said, there are still patents being granted for semiconductors
and combustion technology. People continue to improve a technology for as
long as they use it.

> The money to do this science and engineering will come from the first tier
> of LENR products.

Or it will come from Wall Street or from venture capitalists. Money is
money. It is fungible. It does not matter where it comes from.

As I said, there will be tremendous profits from the first cold fusion
products, especially if the people making them have good IP and good

> Jed sees LENR energy production as the end point of the LENR design and
> science cycle.

No I do not. I suggest you read my book.

> His focus is narrow and myopic.

This is pure bullshit. It is obnoxious. If you are not going to bother
reading what I write, you should refrain from spouting off about it.

- Jed

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