Godes focus on theory make me feel cautious.
anyway COP of 2 have been tested by SRI, that is the only serious claim I
am aware of...

I' afraid that like for BLP, the focus on theory may just slow down

Anyway in the past some technology get working despite bad theory... But
recently it seems theory is too much respected and slow technology
progress, and facts awareness. Like LENR denial is an example.

Theory is a tool, a powerful tool, but it should not be the boss.
Experiments rules.

2013/9/13 Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>

> Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> Does anyone else see that the explanation given by Godes is pure word
>> salad having no relationship to reality. The description is in direct and
>> basic conflict with what is known and accepted in science.
> I do not know enough about theory to judge that. Here is what I do know
> though. I had a long pizza dinner with these people and several other
> others. During this meal, I tried repeatedly to pin them down to some
> specifics about the calorimetry and the nature of the equipment. I did not
> want to know trade secrets. I wanted to know how big, how hot, how many
> watts in, how many out, how long has it run, how did they measure it. I got
> nothing. Nuuu-thing but blah blah blah about theory and about their earlier
> unrelated technical triumphs. That gave me a bad feeling.
> Maybe there are specifics in this video. I have not watched the whole
> thing. I can't abide any more blather. I heard hours of that already.
> - Jed

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