If these experimenters wanted to produce gammas, they only need to
replicate the LeClair cavitation reactor. $250 dollars will do it. A year
in the hospital from radiation exposure should be enough to rid them of
their obsession from gamma radiation. They may also get a dose of neutrons
and alpha particles.

After that, they will be where LeClair is now, regarded as a madman by all
and sundry.

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 12:34 PM, Blaze Spinnaker

> Anyways, the reality is (remember that? reality?) that MFMP is constrained
> by resources just like everyone else is in the physical real world.
> If you have experiments that you would like to see done and
> tools/equipment/materials you can give them, I am pretty sure they'd be all
> over that.

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