Interesting article on Science evolution...
It resonate with many things (out of LENR) I've noticed recently...
Mostly Science is dying of conformism... consensus...
It always have bee conformist, killing dissenters, but today this
conformism is getting industrialized, administered, funded, , globalized,
mediatized, with method and rationality.

the comments are interesting...

the most  funny is that answer:
"Phillip Helbig <>

*"But if it wouldn't work, what all these publications are about?"*

One can study theology at university, but I don't see this as a proof of
God's existence.

There is no confirmation of the Pons and Fleischmann result published in a
serious journal.

Even if your conspiracy theory is true and the establishment boycotts cold
fusion, why not just set up a power company and sell the energy? Because it
doesn't work.
8:42 AM, November 19,

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