I have the same impression of the human condition, Alain. I think the internet makes more obvious what was always the case, i.e. most people are uninformed, irrational, and stubborn in their opinions. In the past, this was only noticed in conversations at the local level. In addition, past scientific discourse was slow and controlled to some extent by peer review and social pressure. Now people can say or publish anything they want on the internet, where even the most insane can contribute. The danger comes when these opinions are used as votes for or against a policy. For example, increasingly the media, which is under the influence of the power structure, is selecting comments to broadcast that fit their agenda regardless of how much knowledge the source might have. As a result, ignorance is amplified. As for LENR, this subject brings out the crazies and the ignorant in the same way a religious or political discussion on the internet does this. For this reason, for the most part I have given up contributing to any discussion. Instead, I'm writing another book that hopefully will bring a few more facts about LENR to the attention of decision makers.

Meanwhile, certain very real facts are true. LENR is real and it will eventually be applied to make practical energy. This energy source will produce economic damage to the present power sources, which is one very real and rational reason why the claims for LENR are rejected. Meanwhile, the rest of us will have to learn to cope with the damage the present energy sources produce while LENR is slowly understood well enough to make this ideal energy a commercial product.

As has been observed many times; a few people can be brilliant but society in general is as dumb as a rock. This can be seen from the comments made about any subject on the internet. So, nothing has changed - instead what has always been real has just been made more obvious.

On Nov 21, 2013, at 1:37 AM, Alain Sepeda wrote:

I'm sorry to bother you Ed, but you are my peer-review ...
What learned from you all, it is that yes it is a hard job, with many pitfall... problem is that pitfall are on bothsides, and some think they don't need to check their claims.

Maybe you don't see it, but something is happening.
the most funny is that more and more cold fusion is cited as example of pathological science, by people absolutely uninformed. What is shocking for me, a tech-watcher, is the level of misinformation and more than that, the inability to update data either when I give a name, or even a link... Today it take 15 minutes seconds to update some data on a subject, know the controversies (it takes months to check however)

I relay your answer. with a big thanks.

2013/11/21 Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>
Ed Storms wrote:

Where does this person get his information, Alain?


- Jed

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