On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 11:25 AM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>wrote:

> Mills has one great advantage. He has a unifying theory that LENR does not
> have. He also has money that can be focused by that theory. These are
> essential features a successful effort must have, which are missing from

Well said.

It is important for a LENR provider to expound a coherent and easily
understood theory to foster public trust that he knows what he is doing.

But in the long run, it is more important that this theory be valid.

> Rossi was lucky. He found the gold without actually knowing where to look.
> He was at the right place and was willing to explore possibilities other
> people ignored. Meanwhile, people in the LENR field are each prospecting
> based on their own maps, while Mills is making his map more detailed and
> focused on where the gold is actually located.

If you remember, Rossi had a theory too just like Mills. But from early on,
most believed that the Rossi theory was wrong.

 Maybe Mills stumbled on the Gold just like Rossi did without the guidance
of this theory. Maybe Mills has adjusted his theory to correspond to and be
consistent with  the Gold that he has found.

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