Jones Beene <> wrote:

> You might want to contact Nelson on this point directly by private mail,
> especially if that is the deciding factor for you.
> This may change your opinion from "reasonably solid" to "completely
> negative."
> I have heard from an associate that Nelson was infuriated that he was
> misquoted and that words were put in his mouth.

Ouch. I am sorry to hear that.

Assuming that is the case . . .

This shows why it is better for people to write reports and publish them,
the way the ELFORSK people did. Original sources, people! Original sources.
Not hearsay.

(I say "assuming that is the case" not because I distrust Jones Beene
because I have not heard from Nelson directly and I don't want to fall into
the same trap of taking hearsay as proof.)

- Jed

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