'The people at Cherokee have time. "

I don't think so.  If nanor goes out, it will be the big splash.  Rossi
will just be a johnny come lately and it will be known as the "Swartz

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 8:01 AM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Eric Walker wrote:
>  The research has been driven so far underground that if Rossi or DGT or
>> one of the others does not succeed in sparking widespread interest, and
>> much more time goes by, the whole field could remain latent for
>> generations.  They are taking a gamble with the whole trade secret thing.
> Well, if they are unable to spark interest with the trade secret thing,
> they can change their strategy. I assume they will change it. They should
> have enough time to do this before going bankrupt.
> The people at Cherokee have time. I don't know about DGT. They seem to
> change addresses and strategies often. Their website is still "under
> planned maintenance." This maintenance is taking months. The upcoming
> version must be the most elaborate website since the Obamacare rollout.
> - Jed

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