You left out my implicit request for a response from you:

Sound criteria would include an experimental protocol is submitted to Dick
Smith that, when followed by independent scientists, reliably generates
excess energy.

Other details of the criteria need to be established but it seems entirely
reasonable that men like yourself and Ed are very qualified to help set
those criteria.

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 9:19 AM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:

> James Bowery <> wrote:
>>  You are missing the money. Who will fund this X-prize?
>> Dick 
>> Smith<>
>> The the Ansari X-Prize was leveraged to the full $10M by what amounted to
>> a bet placed by an insurance company that no one would win the prize by a
>> certain date.
> If you can persuade Mr. Smith to fund an X-prize for cold fusion, I am
> sure we will all appreciate it.
> In other words, if you can bell the cat, we mice will be grateful to you.
> Go for it!
> - Jed

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