I am confused. I do not follow what James Bowery means about the X-prize.
Let me reset the conversation with a new title.

Bowery wrote:

"Sound criteria would include an experimental protocol is submitted to Dick
Smith that, when followed by independent scientists, reliably generates
excess energy."

Okay, I gather this is what the X-prize would be given for. That seems like
a reasonable goal. That is better than, say, a prize for the first
commercial prototype device.

"Other details of the criteria need to be established but it seems entirely
reasonable that men like yourself and Ed are very qualified to help set
those criteria."

I do not know anything about the X-prize, so I would not be the one to
establish other criteria. If they have any questions I would be happy to
answer them.

Years ago, someone from X-prize contacted me with some questions. I do not
recall what they were, but I dutifully answered. I never heard back.

If you have any influence with these people, by all means ask them to
establish a prize for cold fusion. As you say, the prize should be for a
reliable experimental protocol. Go for it! Bell that cat!

- Jed

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