Randy Wuller <rwul...@freeark.com> wrote:

> I am just not convinced a Prize is necessary.  What is the chance any of
> the players, Rossi, DGT, Lenuco, Brilluion etc have something that will be
> convincing to the public, if so no Prize is necessary.

I agree.

Actually, if Rossi or one of the others convinces investors, we do not need
them to convince the public. It seems Rossi has convinced Cherokee, so I
guess we do not need an X-prize.

We will not need the public until later, when it becomes generally known
that cold fusion is real, and that it will soon complete with other sources
of energy. At that point, I expect the fossil fuel industry, the DoE, and
the other established players will declare all-out war. They will try to
stop cold fusion by any means possible, with public relations campaigns,
and by paying members of Congress to pass laws making the use of cold
fusion illegal. We will need strong public support to stop them from
crushing it.

At this moment in history, practically no one realizes cold fusion is real.
There is not opposition to the research. The only people trying to stop it
are academic scientists and a few publishers such as Scientific American
and the New York Times science editors. Most opponents are trying to stop
it because they think it is fraud and lunacy, as Robert Park says. Others
think it unscientific nonsense, similar to creationism. A few scientists in
the plasma fusion program want to stop it because they fear it will cut
their budget. As far as I can tell, no one is trying to stop it because
they fear commercial competition. They will though. Nothing is more
certain. It is inconceivable to me that people making billions of dollars
will roll over and play dead the moment they realize cold fusion is better
than oil or coal. You need only look at the coal industry for proof of
that. They have been campaigning for years trying to crush wind energy, by
buying off members of Congress and journalists, and publishing propaganda.
They are also working to persuade the public that global warming is not
real. They have largely succeeded in that.

- Jed

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