The creation of charge? The creation of electrons?

Any FE device that does this is wasting energy by manifesting matter.

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 4:03 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> Karpen's pile
> This device has all the earmarks of a nanoplasmonic system almost
> identical in concept if not structure to Piantelli's reactor.
> A highly pitted platinum surface is covered with an excellent dielectric,
> pure sulfuric acid(100). Gold provides the supporting substrate,
> The pits in the platinum produce optical cavities that capture heat and
> electrons that will form polariton vortexes. The uncertainty principle will
> increase the energy levels in the optical cavities as more electrons and
> photons are captured until solitons explode in a bosenova.
> The increase in EMF energy is converted into electrons and a potential is
> formed to drive a current.
> Just like Karpen's pile, Piantelli has reported the creation of charge in
> his device.

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