-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Cook 

Jones--Bob Cook Here--

> Can you show how the p-e-p reaction as you understand it conserves spin?

Hi Bob,

No one can adequately explain the many inconsistencies of this proposed
route to gain in LENR. 

Were it not for the reputation of the proponents, it would be ignored. It is
obviously a ploy to shoehorn a known fusion reaction into experimental
results where it does not fit - and there is no way to do this without
resort to fiction. 

In short, the proposed proton fusion to deuterium in LENR - cannot be the
known version which eventually powers our sun. It could happen rarely but
that is the best that can be said, without some minimum level of proof. 

> BC: I would think that the newly fused particle, whatever it is, would
have 1/2 or 3/2 spin--I do not know. If a  positron is emitted, its spin
would be -1/2 I think. That would make the new particle have 0 or 1 spin.

This depends on what details, precisely, have been "invented" in place of
the known reaction. 

The known proton reaction on the sun conserves spin with an extraordinarily
rare beta decay, but that would be problematic for LENR in its rarity and
also it would be obvious, and we know there is no beta decay, as there is no
signature - thus an "new" kind of proton reaction has to be invented in
order to match the experimental results.

As you might guess, I am not enthusiastic about this route, but it may
happen on occasion.


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