It seems oils companies like Amoco, Shell have participated the research.
Today they participate investment in renewables, like do oild kingdoms, to
prepare for the transition...

what you describe is better explained by self-delusion like the one of hot
I feel that oil companies won't be the most victims of that delusion (they
will have few decade to die).
hot fusionist and renewable, plus advising agencies benefiting from
expensive  or carboned energy (they will die instantly).

2014-02-14 19:26 GMT+01:00 Jed Rothwell <>:

> I wrote:
>>  The fallacy would be to state that: "we know this is a lie because it
>> serves the speaker's best interests." That would only be true if people
>> invariably, automatically lied whenever it was in their best interest to do
>> so. We know they do not.
> In this discussion, I have made a prediction that fossil fuel companies
> will lie about cold fusion, because it is in their interests to lie. That
> is not a logical deduction. It is a prediction based on my knowledge of
> history and human nature. I may well be wrong. I will be delighted if it
> turns out I am wrong.
> - Jed

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