Alain Sepeda wrote:

about the possibility that neutrons may be ignored because of coincidence,
we should remind the unavoidable "proof by the intern"

-if people survived beside LENR cells, even if there is no working neutron
detector, they would be sick, if the branching ratio was usual free space dd

I was referring to the large difference in measured neutron counts
between different labs using different measurement instruments.
The neutron counts in all cases remains in a safe range. If all the
heat output were associated with neutron generating reactions it
would indeed be deadly. Fortunately this is cold fusion and the
total neutron output remains a very small side reaction.

One other point of interest.
Tom Claytor's talk on "Recent tritium production from electrically pulsed
wires and foils"
showed the highest outputs when he used NiFe foils made for magnetic
shielding applications.
I think he mentioned Co-Netic material. Not sure what else is in the alloy.

George Holz 
Varitronics Systems

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