
Mu Metal is quite often used in shielding applications.  The best description 
that I recall is that it soaks up the stray magnetic flux passing near a closed 
region due to it large permeability.  It makes sense if you consider the total 
magnetic flux passing through a volume as approximately constant but can be 
redirected.   The Mu Metal is able to perform the redirection function very 





-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Cook <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Wed, Mar 26, 2014 11:02 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Magnetic permeability and LENR


You said :

>>>The high permeability makes mu-metal useful not only
for shielding against static and low-frequency magnetic fields ...<<<

Jones, would it not be low (negative) permeability to shield against a 
static magnetic field.  I would think the high value of permeability would 
be a great multiplier of an external magnetic field (H field) for creation 
of a B field within the Mu Metal.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jones Beene" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 7:09 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Magnetic permeability and LENR

> The use of proprietary Mu Metal as the active matrix for LENR could turn 
> out
> to be the most valuable "diamond in the rough" detail to emerge from MIT. 
> It
> could be applicable to Mizuno, for instance - as an improvement over pure
> nickel.
> With deuterium as Claytor's active gas (assumption) the highest level of
> tritium is seen as an indicator of the rate of the anomalous underlying
> reaction - which would not be ideal for commercial LENR geared towards the
> distributed grid, even if the excess energy rate is also highest.
> With hydrogen as the active gas, however, using Co-Netic as the matrix 
> alloy
> could result in increased thermal gain, without the tritium. That would 
> need
> to be tested.
> Mu-metal is a nickel-iron alloy, and the proprietary alloy in question has
> high added molybdenum. The high permeability makes mu-metal useful not 
> only
> for shielding against static and low-frequency magnetic fields but also in
> converting most of the energy of an anomalous self-generated field into
> heat. This is a "soft" magnetic material that saturates at low magnetic
> fields and that is the key to the coupling magnons into heat. The high
> number of inherent Rydberg levels in the ionization potential of this 
> alloy
> could be the key.
> Many recent thread here have followed the convergence of spin, magnetism 
> and
> increased thermal gain. Tom Claytor may have presented the larger LENR 
> field
> with an astounding way to move forward with an improved cathode alloy - 
> IF -
> his results have the same applicability to hydrogen, as they do to
> deuterium.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: George Holz
> One other point of interest. Tom Claytor's talk on "Recent
> tritium production from electrically pulsed wires and foils" showed the
> highest outputs when he used NiFe foils made for magnetic shielding
> applications. I think he mentioned Co-Netic material. Not sure what else 
> is
> in the alloy.
> George,
> This is good information to try to analyze further, even if
> the explanation probably played no part whatsoever in this alloy choice 
> for
> Claytor.
> Co-Netic AA, is a Mu metal which as best I can tell since
> the specs do not turn up easily, seems to be
> nickel(80%)-iron(15%)-molybdenum(5%) with permeability of 30,000 or more.
> It is high nickel, but notably for those who have not
> written off Randell Mills, there is the Moly content (which, as the +2 ion
> is the very best, in the sense of lowest IP catalytic fit of all 
> catalysts),
> plus it has four other deeper Rydberg levels for a total of 5 making it 
> the
> most catalytic of all transition metals (according to my Mills CQM table
> 5.3).
> In Mills past experiments, having many catalysts working
> together seems to be highly preferable to having only a few - and nickel 
> and
> iron both have multiple Rydberg levels.
> All in all, from a Mills perspective, Co-Netic AA would
> provide 9 unique Rydberg multiples !
> Claytor probably saw a correlation between tritium
> production and magnetic permeability - and chose this alloy for that 
> reason,
> since not many practitioners follow both LENR and Mills for guidance - but
> the moly content could be what makes this alloy superior.
> If only Mills could show something more impressive than a
> modified seam welder, he might get a bit more respect in LENR...
> Jones


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