Part I

The recent Mizuno (Yoshino) presentation at the MIT colloquium and the
surprising implication of finding about twice the quantity of hydrogen
appearing as ash from deuterium reactions (as the starting gas) after a
month long run - has been the inspiration for the following early stage
hypothesis. This is a revision to focus on nano-magnetics and the SPP

In answer to those who say that such an analysis before this experiment has
been replicated is premature, my answer is that rewards of finding an early
helpful answer to the mystery outweighs the risk of adding more confusion to
an already confusing field. Very simply, what is being proposed is a new
version of the Oppenheimer-Phillips effect.

The Oppenheimer-Phillips reaction is also known as deuterium stripping.
Stripping typically removes a proton from the deuteron at a tiny fraction of
the thermonuclear requirement. In the case of the Farnsworth Fusor the
threshold is reduced from 2.2 MeV to around 50 keV, or a factor of 40:1.

This revised version, which has been tailored to the Mizuno results could be
called a "bi-stripping" or the BOP reaction (Bi-Oppenheimer-Philips). This
is different from Passell's version of the O-P presented at ICCF18 in that
the nickel host provides ferromagnetic containment, but does not participate
as a reactant. In both cases this is a quantum mechanical reaction similar
to nuclear tunneling, but with a magnetic near-field component.

The deuteron has only one bound state in which the magnetic moment
(+0.8574) is a function of the proton positive value (+2.7928) and the
neutron negative value (-1.9130) at a rather large separation distance. In
short, this isotope is not strongly bound to begin with, and the linear bond
lacks flexibility in torsion, so that when there is a sudden magnetic torque
at the nanoscale, the bond can be broken without thermodynamics. The
strong-force is spin dependent with deuterium. Thus, a nuclear reaction that
looks endothermic (from a thermonuclear POV) can be made exothermic via spin
dynamics. There is not a violation of conservation of energy, since the gain
is nuclear. This is the heart of the Oppenheimer Philips effect. However, a
strong "local" magnetic field is required. Polaritons and the SPP can
provide a multi-Tesla local field to provide magnetic torque.

This sets the stage for exotherm following nuclear shear from spin-coupling
the deuteron to a circularly polarized magnetic field in a ferromagnetic
surface feature- to with which to break the bond without thermonuclear brute
force. The field is a function of SPP - surface plasmon-polaritons. When the
reaction happens with two deuterons at low temperature, no fusion is
possible, but nanocavity surface pitting provides near-field magnetic
polarization via SPP. Thus the net reaction looks more like fission than
fusion. Deuterons are effectively slit with instantaneous neutron decay such
that D2 converts to 2H2 with about 400 keV of net mass-energy and no

To be continued in Part II


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