When the understanding and credibility of LENR is well entrenched is main
stream science, the Mizuno (Yoshino) experiment and others like it will be
a first of the primary and indispensable  tools used to explore and
quantify dark energy and its place in the universe.

On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 10:53 AM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> The "vacuum" according to experts, including Dirac, is not empty. If the
> vacuum reacts with any kind of matter, it reacts with hydrogen.
> The prior post was based on the proton mass of 938.27231 MeV or 1876.545
> for
> two protons, and the mass of the deuteron being 1875.613 MeV.
> Thus splitting deuterium, with subsequent neutron decay (even when
> instantaneous and with no neutrino emission) cannot be net exothermic
> without "something else", since the difference is -0.932 MeV.
> Curiously the mass-energy of electron/positron annihilation is 1.022 MeV.
> This ties into Dirac and Hotson's epo field interpretation. The epo field,
> now called the BEC, is the superset of ZPE. Dirac's sea of negative energy
> is also approximately the same background entity as the zero point field,
> or
> simply the "vacuum".
> If you merge Puthoff and Hotson, (two of Terry's favorites) then deuterium
> "fission" into protons will be net energetic if virtual Ps enters into the
> reaction. In fact the energy release will be strong for chemical or weak
> for
> nuclear, matching experimental finding - and in the zone of
> non-detectability by gamma detectors, since the reactor walls will absorb
> this level, but not much higher.
> D + Ps  -> 2H + 90 keV ... which is about 100,000 times more energy release
> than burning hydrogen. ( Ps is positronium). The next problem is
> conservation of charge... which means you must annihilate the electron from
> neutron decay with a positron from the epo field.
> Falsifiability - look for radiation inside the reactor at the approximate
> level of 90 or 45 keV.
>                 _____________________________________________
>                 Yes - even if plausible way exists in QM for converting
> deuterium to hydrogen with gain, that gain obviously does not derive from
> the mass of the deuterium, per se.
>                 This leaves these main possibilities, and a few others
>                 1) vacuum energy (ZPE)
>                 2) nickel mass via spin coupling
>                 3) Mills version of redundant ground states
>                 It could be possible that all of these are entwined.
>                 -----Original Message-----
>                 From: Terry Blanton
>                 Axil wrote: They say that the data never lies; but wow,
> does
> LENR really get all or most of its energy from the vacuum?
>                 > I have always thought so.  But, then, I have been a
> Puthoff fan-boy for ages.  :-)

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