He's been dropping a lot of hints (qualified with could be positive,negative..)

Andrea Rossi
April 5th, 2014 at 7:55 AM

Marco Serra:
By my nature, I am an optimistic person. Should I not be, I wouldn’t dedicate my life to an enterpreneurial scientific task. Nevertheless, I always said that this work is extremely risky, and that this enterprise is a warship, not a cruiseship. The Third Indipendent Party Test in course is a long run test, never made before from anybody. In this scientific endeavour there is not a history to sustain you when you make something new: every time you, so to speak, have to cut your way through the jungle with machetes. It is always risky, and you always are, or HAVE TO BE, very conservative: conservatively optimist. The test in course is very severe, as no tests before have been and I cannot be sure that the calculations that will be made upon the operation of the Hot Cat, second by second, will be positive. The Professors are collecting millions of data, I do not know the kind of complex calculations the Professors are doing and will do. They have more science than I do and, beyond the hilarious comment of our friend Orsobubu, which obviously made me smile, I am really afraid of the results. After the Arxiv publication I said that a long test run had been scheduled to better understand and this implies that the play was still open. As a logic consequence of these considerations, if I today say that the results can be positive, but also could be negative, I really mean it.
Thank you for your permanent attention,
Warm Regards,

Andrea Rossi
April 5th, 2014 at 1:53 PM

Sam Wilson:
Thank you for your kind words. I am really worried. Anyway, the work goes on.
Warm Regards,

Andrea Rossi
April 8th, 2014 at 9:02 PM

Frank Acland:
I do not know where the report will be published. I agree with you, though. The report will be written by 7 Professors and Physicists of three European Universities, who obviously review each other, and it will be further reviewed by other 7 Professors and Physicists of 7 Universities and Nuclear Physics Institutes of Europe, Asia, America before being proposed for publication. The report will be based upon millions of data collected by the measurement and registration instruments of the Professors and of their Institutes. The whole funded by an European scientific Institute.
Warm Regards,

[ Presumably the 3 Universities are Bologna and 2 Swiss as before ]

(lenr.qumbu.com -- analyzing the Rossi/Focardi eCat  -- and the defkalion hyperion -- Hi, google!)

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