At 08:37 AM 4/9/2014, Daniel Rocha  wrote:
I hope this is the 6 month test he promised, heh!


April 10th, 2014 at 8:30 AM

Dear Andrea Rossi,

When you say that the Professors are conducting their work “in a neutral laboratory”, do you mean they are still in your premises, or instead situated in a laboratory that is not owned by you?

Best Regards,


Andrea Rossi
April 10th, 2014 at 6:02 PM

The Professors have worked and are working in a laboratory that is not owned by us, is totally out of our premises and that we never used before. We knew of it few days before the beginning of the test and sent there the E-Cat. It is located in a Country that is not Italy and is not USA. I cannot give further information, but, obviously, the precise location where the test will have been completed will be described in the Report that will be written by the Third Indipendent Party. When we arrived there for the assembling of the reactor, some of the components of the t.i.p. were already there for the set up.
Warm Regards,

Koen Vandewalle
April 10th, 2014 at 6:37 PM

Dear Andrea,
Supposed that at the beginning of the test, the Professors did discover that the E-Cat does what is is meant to do. One question that should be asked: how much energy can produce one E-Cat ? Did you make agreements on this item ?
And when the answer is that it continues in eternity to “catalyze energy”, then the test will never be over. A catalyzer is not consumed….
Did you agree on limits in time or amount of energy ?
Kind Regards,
P.S. : the congratulations were not for the results of these tests, but for the respect that is finally given to your work.

Andrea Rossi
April 10th, 2014 at 9:20 PM

Koen Vandewalle:
No, the total endurance , or the life-span of the charge and the E-Cat are not in the protocol of the experiment. Obviously, if the exhaustion will happen during the experiment, that would be a serendipity.
Warm Regards,

Frank Acland
April 10th, 2014 at 7:47 PM

Dear Andrea,

You mentioned you sent your E-Cat to the neutral location when you learned about it. Did you send multiple reactors, or only one?

Many thanks,

Frank Acland

Andrea Rossi
April 10th, 2014 at 9:17 PM

Frank Acland:
We sent 3 of them, as spare parts, but ( this I can say) we did not have breaks or malfunctions, so far, so the spare parts are intact.
Warm Regards,

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