Axil Axil--

You finally have seen the light--the EMF that is.

I joined this Blog a little over 2 months ago with a  bias that spin and 
magnetism are the keys to LENR.  I have been exposed to a lot of ideas and some 
facts.  I am even more biased now.  

Spin is an energy with a direction and can be controlled by a magnetic field.  
The magnetic field establishes the amount of energy (via spin) a particle can 
hold and the differential amounts it can give up or take up.   The old timers 
thought the energy was akin to a spinning top's energy and angular momentum.  I 
am beginning to think of it as a mini Vortex of a magnetic field more or less  
locally confined within a volume of space--the particle boundary.   

Clarifying what is happening is just a matter of thinking inside the boundary. 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Axil Axil 
  To: vortex-l 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2014 8:05 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:Mats Lewan book : An Impossible Invention

  Based on the time honored LENR causation concept of charge screening, LENR is 
posited to be an EMF process. Since charge is emergent from spin, and spin is 
the origin on magnetism. therefore.  LENR is a magnetic based process at its 

  On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 10:35 PM, Eric Walker <> wrote:

    On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Bob Cook <> wrote:

      Ahern seems to believe magnetic effects are at the heart of LENR 

    Each experimentalist and theorist has a pet theory about what is going on.  
What is important is whether one is able to subjugate one's personal hunches to 
a more objective and systematic pursuit of what is going on.

      He does not think nuclear reactions are involved.

    This should be a warning sign that Dr. Ahern might not be seeing much of 
interest.  What seems clear is that some researchers get very pronounced 


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