Once I thought that science was a beautiful and honest endeavor.  The 
principles that it embraces appear wondrous when viewed from an idealistic 
point of view.  Perhaps that ideal is still accurate when one observes the 
behavior of individual inventors or small groups that operate without the 
impediments of the establishment.

Unfortunately, the expenses associated with modern cutting edge science 
research are too massive to be undertaken by any one individual and must 
therefore be controlled by a concentrated few.   We have failed in selection of 
those with the purse strings and perhaps in the entire concept of control.  
Often those making the decisions as to where money should be spent are not 
capable of performing this task in a manner that they should.   Cold fusion 
research is a prime example of how sadly misdirected these people can become.

The media seems to reinforce the ignorant decisions that guide most major 
research.   I guess you can not blame them since their limited knowledge of the 
important fields of study forces them to access those in charge of the current 
scientific thought when they write articles or generate critics.  An individual 
research scientist does not have a chance when offering resistance to this type 
of overwhelming noise.   And the pseudo skeptics add additional retardation to 
honest discovery by accusing anyone that does work not accepted by the 
mainstream establishment as being frauds.

It is a wonder than any truly new idea ever penetrates the gauntlet within a 
reasonable time period.   Would we even enjoy the modern world to any extent 
were it not for individuals and small independent teams such as the Wright 
Brothers?  I hope that one day that sort of genuine creative thinking will find 
the freedom that it deserves.  I doubt that this will occur within my lifetime.





-----Original Message-----
From: Alain Sepeda <alain.sep...@gmail.com>
To: Vortex List <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sat, Apr 19, 2014 4:20 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Portland wastes millions of gallons of water for no 

Any similarity with Fukushima leaks is...
not to be discussed, to avoid flame war.

we should think in banana, or similar concepts, like in Eyjafjoll, in flight 
time .

what shock me today is that the corporations who have the data surreder to the 
scaremongerers, and either shut up, or collaborate with those manipulators.. to 
save their image or even to make money...

the collaboration of the victims of scaremongering with the scaremongerer is a 
tragedy of evidence based science.

Not a surprise that cold fusion and it's undeniable and never seriously 
challenged evidence are ignored. Evidences have not been an argument in science 
since 50 years.

2014-04-19 4:02 GMT+02:00 Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>:

Daniel Rocha <danieldi...@gmail.com> wrote:

So, it was in the part that is just a reservoir, that is before
processing and distribuition? Heh?

Yes. A large outdoor pond.

 That kind of concern is so odd.

It is symptomatic of modern ignorance. People nowadays in the U.S. seem to know 
nothing about nature, or bacteria, or the concept of risk factor, or (in this 
case) the proportional difference between a ~50 ml of urine and 38 million 
gallons of water.

Here is an example of modern ignorance. At a county fair many years ago a 
farmer showed a little boy how to milk a cow. The little boy was alarmed and 
ran away. Shortly after that, the boy came back with his parents who were 
outraged at the farmer. They said he was telling the boy disgusting stories 
about where milk came from. It took the farmer a while to calm them down and 
show them it is true, and milk really does come from cow udders.

I read that in a newspaper. It could be apocryphal. Even if it is, I have seen 
enough real incidents like this to know that people are as ignorant as that, 
and as far removed from the facts of life.

- Jed

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