We use it in Alaska to make the grass grow and to supplement the snowshoe 
hare's diet when they are around  --they like urea--or potentially the salt.   
I know they love plywood made with urea based glue.  They chew it to no end.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson 
  To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2014 8:12 AM
  Subject: RE: [Vo]:OFF TOPIC Portland wastes millions of gallons of water for 
no reason

  Terry sez:


  > Urine from the bladder is normally sterile of bacteria except

  > in the case of urinary tract infection.


  Also, under extreme conditions where there is no available water supply 
people have resorted to drinking their own urine. As a last resort they might 
not have survived if they had not.


  I believe there are certain religious rituals that require the drinking of 
one's own urine. It's kind of like participating in a Klingon tea ceremony. For 
a human, it's an honor to be asked to participate in a Klingon test-of-courage 
ritual of drinking a mildly poisonous brew. It is however highly advisable that 
humans take an antidote before commencing.





  Steven Vincent Johnson



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