Andrea Rossi 
April 19th, 2014 at 6:14 PM 

Frank Acland: It is absolutely sure that the report will be published, whatever 
the results, positive or negative as they might be. This is the imposition 
given to us from the Third Indipendent Party Professors as a condition to 
accept to make the test. They demanded that they will publish the results 
inconditionally, even if the results will be negative. What said above is 
granted. What follows is an opinion of mine, that could be wrong: the report 
should be published by the end of June. My opinion is based upon the fact that 
yesterday I have talked with two of the Commettee members and they said that 
possibly the publication could be made by the end of June. I did not get any 
anticipation regarding the calculation of the efficiency, while they repeated 
to me that to analyse millions of data takes time. Warm Regards, A.R. 

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