
The Fractional Quantum Hall Effect causes a reduction in the charge of the
electron in quantum fractional steps.

A magnetic field generates two paired vortexes (magnetic flux quanta) to
form that are connected to the electron. The vortexes take charge away from
the electron as the magnetic field increases until all the charge is

This effect may well be how Cravins sees a LENR reaction based on powered

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 12:01 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> Electrons can take on a large number of phases of matter based on how they
> move relative to each other.
> The 500 phases of matter: New system successfully classifies
> symmetry-protected phases
> One possibility is that an electron can be broken up into 3 different
> quasiparticles.
> Electeron Splits into Quasiparticles
> When the charge quasiparticle becomes remote from its associated electron,
> the electron will pair with its opposite spin partner to minimize its
> energy level. This is similar to what happens with quarks where two quarks
> with opposite spin pair together connected by a strong force channel.
> Particles without charge will pair together based on spin like a bar magnet
> with two opposite poles.
> Other matter that surround the electrons force the electrons to move in a
> very precise copper pair forcing dance to initiate the start of that
> unusual phase of matter.
> On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 10:56 AM, David Roberson <>wrote:
>> We have been discussing spin coupling as one element that might allow
>> LENR to proceed without dangerous radiation emissions.  And, it is well
>> known that super conductive materials use Cooper pairs of electrons to
>> operate.
>> The fact that a pair of electrons can work together even though they are
>> repelled by the electric charge they possess leads me to wonder how they
>> ever work as a pair.  The force of repulsion between two like charges
>> varies as the square of the distance separating them according to the E
>> field distribution.  The closer they approach each other, the stronger is
>> the repulsion.  But magnetic near field effects vary as the third order
>> with distance for two pole sources.
>> If the electrons find a way to allow the magnetic attraction to be
>> positive by for example having opposite spin, then is there a certain
>> distance where the two forces balance out?  If so, one might expect the two
>> to actually become attracted to each other when closer approach occurs.
>> So, does spin of an electron lead to a magnetic field that can actually
>> allow a pair to become attracted at very close ranges?
>> If the attraction possibility exists would it be demonstrated in a beam
>> of electrons traveling within a vacuum?  The relative velocity and hence
>> temperature variation along the beam can be reduced significantly by
>> adjusting the source and control electrodes.
>> Another question that immediately comes to the table is whether or not
>> pairs of electrons are the natural manner in which they exist within
>> metals, etc.  Do techniques exist that can prove that they are individuals
>> under normal conditions or do we just make that assumption?  Perhaps
>> slightly elevated temperatures break apart the weak connection that exists
>> between pairs or relatively small electromagnetic fields tear them apart
>> under test conditions.
>> One observation that appears valid is that electrons certainly occur in
>> pairs around nuclei.  Could that be their normal state of existence?
>> Dave

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