I assume you are familiar with Lawrence Nelson's patents in regard to screened 

From: Bob Cook []
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Electron Repulsion Versus Distance


The Nature abstract, which I quoted, states that the that..."the formation of 
composite fermions resulting in a weak attractive interaction."

Why didn't the authors make this screening clear?

>From what you say the anyons are not composite Fermions but quasiholes.  I can 
>understand that and even suggested that as a possible screening effect.

Why doesn't the abstract say this.  That's the reason I thought it was merely 
hand waving.

Universal acceptance is pretty absolute.  I doubt your inference is accurate.  
It sounded to me that the authors did not accept Cooper pairing mechanism as a 
possibility.  I wonder if it is referenced in the full article?   If you have 
the full article at hand, maybe you could answer this question.

----- Original Message -----
From: Axil Axil<>
To: vortex-l<>
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Electron Repulsion Versus Distance

Bob said:

The following quote from the abstract cited below from Nature seems like a lot 
of hand waving to me.

Axil says:

>From what I can tell, this theory of how the fractional quantum hall 
>effect(FQHE) works is universally accepted in science and is one of the 
>backbone theories of how cooper pairs of electrons form in a superconductor,

Bob said:

"In effect, the repulsive Coulomb interaction between electrons is overscreened 
in the  = 5/2 state by the formation of composite fermions, resulting in a 
weak, attractive interaction."

Overscreened by what?

Axil says:

A magnetic field will produce a pair of vortexes of magnetic flux that connects 
themselves to the electron. As the magnetic field increases, addition pairs of 
vortexes are created in quantum steps.

These are  Anyons

"In physics, an anyon is a type of particle that occurs only in two-dimensional 
systems, with properties much less restricted than fermions and bosons; the 
operation of exchanging two identical particles may cause a global phase shift 
but cannot affect observables. Anyons are generally classified as abelian or 
non-abelian, as explained below."

These vortexes are also called quasiholes. They have fractional positive charge.

"Laughlin states and fractionally-charged quasiparticles: this theory, proposed 
by Laughlin, is based on accurate trial wave functions for the ground state at 
fraction  as well as its quasiparticle and quasihole excitations. The 
excitations have fractional charge of magnitude e=c/q."

Bob asks:

A positive Coulomb charge?

Axil answers:

Yes, a fractional positive charge.

Bob asks:

Or maybe holes in the electron sea that seem a little positive with respect to 
the rest of the sea?

Axil answers:

Yes. These are quasiholes that form in a two dimensional system in the vacuum 
by a magnetic field and connect themselves to the electron.

GOOGLE quasiholes to see the theory behind the concept and observe how much 
work has gone into this theory.

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 4:32 AM, Bob Cook 
<<>> wrote:
Axil and Dave--

The following quote from the abstract cited below from Nature seems like a lot 
of hand waving to me.

"In effect, the repulsive Coulomb interaction between electrons is overscreened 
in the [nu]  = 5/2 state by the formation of composite fermions, resulting in a 
weak, attractive interaction."

Overscreened by what?  A positive Coulomb charge?  Or maybe holes in the 
electron sea that seem a little positive with respect to the rest of the sea?  
It seems that whatever is causing the attraction must get between the two 
particles being paired if its a screening effect.

I think it is more likely that the charge of an electron is distributed over a 
volume--at least the source of the virtual photons that carry the force from an 
electron emanate from a volume of the electron.  As the volumes of the pairing 
electrons coincide there is a reduced repulsive force, since the centers are 
inside the surface of each of the respective electron's spherical surfaces and 
the virtual photons can have no effect of force on the center of mass of either 
electron.    Of course TMK no one knows the volume or the structure of an 
electron nor the charge density as the radius goes to 0 radius at the effective 
center.   The spin attraction is a much shorter range force and acts within the 
spherical boundaries of the electrons.

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