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On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 3:29 PM, Blaze Spinnaker <>

> On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 10:06 AM, Blaze Spinnaker <
>> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 1:44 PM, John Berry <>
>> wrote:
>>> Well I worded that strongly to drive home a point, we often hide our
>>> ignorance in the talk of probability.
>>> There are 4 domains in which we apply probability.
>>> 1: Things which are set and we are ignorant of, no actual element of
>>> chance exist, such as with Rossi.
>>> 2: Macro chance, things that we fail to predict but maybe could if we
>>> did sufficiently in-depth analysis, this could be likened to the spinning
>>> of a wheel of wheel of fortune
>>> 3: While a machine could be used to spin a wheel and get the desired
>>> selection to come up on a wheel, some things seem beyond our ability to
>>> predict. The experiment with falling BB's hitting pegs and being seemingly
>>> effected by the intent of the observer in university studies backs up that
>>> this is maybe beyond modeling within known physics/ Rolling a dice is
>>> similar, but we do know dice can be loaded showing that even on this level
>>> small physical changes can reduce the randomness.
>>> 4: Quantum physics where it is believed God does actually pay dice.
>>> But this is in ignorance of the state of the aether behind such
>>> interactions.
>>> It could be that these things are not random at all.
>>> But even IF you believe that probability really exist, that does not
>>> apply to Rossi.
>>> And if you were to hide ignorance in the language of probability despite
>>> the obvious lack of 'chance', there is the fact that if you were at 1%
>>> confidence and then saw one tiny single sign, you could have to go to 100%.
>>> Such as an event that can only be explained by Rossi being genuine.
>>> Granted this is difficult with magicians (illusionists) and con men, but
>>> there has very likely been such a sign that either moves him to 100% or
>>> damn near 0%.
>>> Not that there is anything that could prove him false so easily
>>> including proof he faked a test as there might be genuine motives to fake a
>>> test despite being genuinely in possession of the real thing, it really is
>>> harder/impossible to prove a negative.
>>> On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 12:36 AM, Blaze Spinnaker <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> "1: There is no such things as probability, things either happen or
>>>> they don't. Rossi either IS real, or he is NOT real..
>>>> There is no such thing as probability in reality."
>>>> I see..
>>>> On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 5:12 PM, John Berry <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Blaze's ego is astounding, thinking that he has things so well worked
>>>>> out that his ramblings about probability have meaning.
>>>>> Even if he were that good at working out probability, a few facts
>>>>> remain that make it worthless.
>>>>> 1: There is no such things as probability, things either happen or
>>>>> they don't. Rossi either IS real, or he is NOT real..
>>>>> There is no such thing as probability in reality.
>>>>> 2: What is the difference between a 30% chance and a 70% chance?
>>>>> Answer 1: 40%
>>>>> Answer 2: Nothing much, both means that there is a very real
>>>>> possibility of it going either way.
>>>>> If you were invested in oil, it would mean that there is a very real
>>>>> risk that you must take seriously.
>>>>> If you are on the side of good, you know that there is an
>>>>> extraordinary possibility that might be worthy of attention, but might not
>>>>> pan out.
>>>>> But the difference between 0.1% chance and a 0.0000001% chance is huge!
>>>>> With the 0.1% there is a long shot, but one that could still very well
>>>>> pan out. Just 1 in 1,000 is not too distant odds to let one ignore
>>>>> something potentially significant good or bad.
>>>>> But 0.0000001 is 1 in ten million, an almost impossible long shot
>>>>> worthy of no attention/investment unless there are enough of these low
>>>>> level 'promises/threats' to bring it up to a level of relevance.
>>>>> John
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 11:55 AM, Kevin O'Malley <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm constrained to decrease my ASSessment of an ASSurance
>>>>>> that Blaze will pull his head out of his ASinine "hind quarters" down to
>>>>>> 7.51%, taking into account the direction of the wind and the stock price 
>>>>>> for CYPW Cyclone Power.
>>>>>>  At least this time Blaze increased the chances of Rossi being real
>>>>>> on the basis of stuff that had SOMEthing to do with Rossi.
>>>>>> So, he thinks the In Mercato Veritas is a sign of unrealness rather than 
>>>>>> the OBVIOUS thing it is:
>>>>>>  an old fashioned Rossism expression of confidence.  This was exactly 
>>>>>> the way Rossi used to post
>>>>>> before his friend Focardi got cancer.
>>>>>> When Blaze talks about the lack of news leaks, he doesn't seem to 
>>>>>> realize he's engaging in a classic
>>>>>> fallacy of arguing from silence.
>>>>>> On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 4:31 PM, Blaze Spinnaker <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Going to start publishing updates on this blog
>>>>>>> rather than this mailing list.
>>>>>>> Rossi is now at 30%
>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 8:46 PM, Kevin O'Malley <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> If it's interesting enough to generate a patent then it is
>>>>>>>> worthwhile.  The world would sit up and take notice simply because 
>>>>>>>> Rossi
>>>>>>>> ain't a fraud, as the common notion suggests.
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 9:19 AM, Blaze Spinnaker <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Another possibility is IH may have decided they don't want the
>>>>>>>>> world competing with them, so they gave the researchers an eCat which 
>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>> just enough interesting to generate a patent but not so interesting it
>>>>>>>>> causes the world to sit up and take notice.
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 9:12 AM, Blaze Spinnaker <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> More and more I'm beginning to wonder if we're going to get a TIP
>>>>>>>>>> report that shows something interesting, but nowhere guaranteeing 
>>>>>>>>>> the power
>>>>>>>>>> densities shown in the first report.
>>>>>>>>>> While I believe that Rossi believes he has something and that IH
>>>>>>>>>> believes they have something and that there is no fraudulent 
>>>>>>>>>> behavior going
>>>>>>>>>> on here, I think the truth is somewhere in the middle.
>>>>>>>>>> And the middle is, yes energy, just not very exciting energy.
>>>>>>>>>>  And possibly, after some analysis, it could be just an impressive 
>>>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>> source of chemical energy that's competitive perhaps with Rocket 
>>>>>>>>>> Fuel in
>>>>>>>>>> the best case scenario, but in reality it's just competitive with 
>>>>>>>>>> optimal
>>>>>>>>>> Geothermal.
>>>>>>>>>> In this scenario, I consider the eCat not to have lived up to its
>>>>>>>>>> promises which is why my estimate is around 35%.
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 6:19 PM, Blaze Spinnaker <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Decreasing the probability to 31% based on smelly stock offering.
>>>>>>>>>>> HydroFusion is ran by Dr. Magnus Holm.  Seems credible - but why
>>>>>>>>>>> didn't he wait until after the report to ask for more money?  Why 
>>>>>>>>>>> is Rossi
>>>>>>>>>>> doing shout outs about Dr Holm?
>>>>>>>>>>> Andrea Rossi
>>>>>>>>>>> May 18th, 2014 at 11:20 PM
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> Orsobubu:
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for your comment, that indroduces us to the paper
>>>>>>>>>>> published today on the Journal of Nuclear Physics:
>>>>>>>>>>> by Dr Magnus Holm . It is an important work of this scientist
>>>>>>>>>>> made in 1999, but I find his work dense of important information. 
>>>>>>>>>>> It is not
>>>>>>>>>>> an easy reading, the work is rigorous, but this is the Journal of 
>>>>>>>>>>> Nuclear
>>>>>>>>>>> Physics, and the paper is perfectly in line with the field of 
>>>>>>>>>>> application
>>>>>>>>>>> of our Journal. Dr Magnus Holm is presently working also with me 
>>>>>>>>>>> for the
>>>>>>>>>>> E-Cat.
>>>>>>>>>>> About the comment of our friend Orsobubu: I do not share his
>>>>>>>>>>> certainties regarding the so called “social sciences”.
>>>>>>>>>>> Warm Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> A.R.
>>>>>>>>>>> This could be just really inane business strategy or perhaps
>>>>>>>>>>> Magnus just doesn't have a good contract with Rossi/IH.
>>>>>>>>>>> For those who really believe in Rossi, my suggestion would be to
>>>>>>>>>>> contact Hydro fusion and buy up as many shares as you possibly can.
>>>>>>>>>>> I think everything comes down to this report that should be
>>>>>>>>>>> coming over the next month.   We could see a rise over over 20-30% 
>>>>>>>>>>> on the
>>>>>>>>>>> basis of this report.
>>>>>>>>>>> Another possibility is that the report may reveal a low COP
>>>>>>>>>>> which is competitive only with geothermal and could be the result of
>>>>>>>>>>> uninteresting fuel sources. (which means a drop in probability of 
>>>>>>>>>>> 10% or so)
>>>>>>>>>>> Another (unlikely in my mind) possibility is that the report
>>>>>>>>>>> will reveal that it doesn't do anything useful, which will be a 
>>>>>>>>>>> drop in 25%.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 10:41 PM, Blaze Spinnaker <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Decreasing the probability to 35% based on shattering news of
>>>>>>>>>>>> the Defkalion demo being completely worthless.  I hesitate to say 
>>>>>>>>>>>> it, but
>>>>>>>>>>>> It almost sounds like fraud is being implied.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 5:03 PM, Blaze Spinnaker <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Decreasing probability to 46% based on lack of news from Nanor
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but up to 47% based on recent news from Darden in China:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hat tip:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Note:  I suspect there will be an up to (-30%, +15%) swing in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> probability when the june report comes out.  Big news indeed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 11:25 AM, Blaze Spinnaker <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Increasing the probability to 47% on the basis on Nanor / MIT
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> videos.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 3:42 PM, Blaze Spinnaker <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Put that back to 43%:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mr. Darden earned an MRP in environmental planning from the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,* a JD from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yale Law School* and a BA from the University of North
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he was a Morehead Scholar.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 3:22 PM, Blaze Spinnaker <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Correction, make that 41%.  It's not Cherokee but rather
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Tom Darden (investor, co founder of Cherokee) and Mr. Vaughn 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (senior
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> analyst at Cherokee, BA Economics)  who are the players here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It'd be good to find out who those other investors are.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 2:35 PM, Blaze Spinnaker <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Increasing the probability to 44% on the basis of Cherokee
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PR release.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Big big BIG news.   Now this is no longer about Rossi, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about Cherokee.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I know you guys think I'm a git for my doubt, but hey, my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> model is waaaay ahead of the curve than the vast majority of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the investing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> universe.    XOM is still trading near historical highs, for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Blaze Spinnaker <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Increasing the probability back to 35% based on the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> latest news coming out of BLP and McKubre.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Hopefully we'll see some more encouraging things soon.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   The next indie report on the ecat should be an interesting 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inflection
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> report.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 7:52 AM, Blaze Spinnaker <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fulvio , the tech Director & R.D. at Leonardo
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Corporation MIAMI - FL - USA previous job was:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> " Frelance Consultant
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  European
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gaming and Gambling Tech Market
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -4%
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now back to 31%.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 6:21 AM, Blaze Spinnaker <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is based on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    - STMicro patent (Increased about 4.5%)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    - Cherokee Investments (Increased about 2.5%)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    - Rossi stating third party reports in March
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    (increased 2%)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    - Lack of news from Defkalion (-1%)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> News seems to be coming in fairly rapidly at this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> point.   Could be updating this probability more 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> frequently.

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