OK...you sort of lost me. What are you getting at exactly? It doesn't
contradict what I wrote in the slightest. Yeah, fermions & bosons play
different roles in nuclear process, in all processes actually -- so what?

Are you referencing a transition to a BEC state in NiH-LENR, something
which is far from conclusive or self-evident? BEC theories like Kim's or
Takahashi's, even though I find them attractive, still confront a number of
problems as you probably know.

One can just as easily picture a more general process (as I
just highlighted in two different hot fusion systems), absent of different
phase transitions, occurring across different LENR systems. Based on the
evidence so far, I think at best it could be argued that there a draw
exists between the two points of view.

I appreciate you clearing up any confusions. Take care.


On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

>   *From:* Foks0904 .
> …But in many cases, under the umbrella of a general process, such as
> traditional nuclear reactions, despite the difference, the different
> isotopes all tend to follow the same general script in terms of how a
> reaction path progresses and generates effects.
> Not so! Bosons are very different from Fermions – profoundly different
> when it comes to nuclear interaction.
> Enough said?

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