>From Daniel


> I am really impressed. He didn't even try to run a half assed demo!

> He just made some tack tack. And it was so crude that the electrodes

> were very oxidized in just a few seconds.


Many prototypes are the result of scrounging around for whatever you can get
your hands on laying around the lab.


Here's a photo of a prototype whose progeny eventually transformed our




...and as for endurance, here's another prototype that managed to prove it's
point in just 12 short seconds.




What entrepreneur in his right mind could possibly deduce from that initial
prototype that it's progeny would eventually be capable to ferrying
passengers across the Atlantic Ocean non-stop.


Many prototypes in their earliest incarnations tend to have ugly bloody
births. They look like wet chicks just hatched out of their shells. They are
about as dumb as a doorknob too.  The mortality rate of trying to make it
through flying school isn't very good. Just ask my cat, Charm.


Why should BLP be any different?


Get the hot water!



Steven Vincent Johnson



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